Long Island ABATE 8-9-22 Membership Meeting, Port Jeff Elks, Centereach, NY
7:32 pm Meeting began
Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence
Welcome members, new members and guests.
The minutes for our July 2022 membership meeting were posted on the LI ABATE website.
Motion 1-2022: Motion to accept the July 2022 membership meeting minutes as posted. (Seconded) All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Detailed income and expenditures were reported
Motion 2-2022: Motion to accept treasurer’s report. (Seconded) All in favor.
7:40 INTRODUCED Dee Bonacasa and Lily Bonacasa who presented LIABATE a check toward the Veterans Fund. Money raised from their SSgt Louis Bonacasa run. George, Paul and Keith from AMVETS Post 1174 & American Legion 1146 also presented a check to the veteran’s fund.
Donna was assisting in doing the merchandise in Kathy’s absence.
7:45 – OLD Business: Appointed positions still available, recording secretary and donations coordinator.
Rider classes with ONTRA still available 8/20 – visit www.lrn2ride.com go to classes and click on Brc2 skills practice. Please everyone newsletter articles are still always welcomed, see me or Margaret – the article can be about anything mc related or just a general article about something you experienced.
Past events re-capped: (Chris) 7/16 Parking lot practice at Ronkonkoma train station with Mark Briganti and George Krivosta, went very well – this is not a teaching course, it is for you to practice your skills in a safe area under supervision. Great open lot to practice on. (Bill Quinn) 7/16 & 7/17 USA Patriots Amputee Softball game was a hot one, but well worth it. 7/30 (Josephine)The Social Brain “Protect your Melon” day organized by Ira Dunn, LIABATE Donated bicycle helmets to be given out this day, and we had a tent for more exposure at this great community awareness day for bicycle safety. Over 350 helmets were given out between 2 events and she read the thank you note from Ira to LI ABATE. 7/31/ Jordan Haerder 5k Run in Sag Harbor – Bill Quinn did the walk and Joe Pizzo did the run. If you go to our facebook page you’ll see all the great pictures of the event. SOLOMON CASE ABATE is showing support for the family – Next Court date is October 17, 2022 – Outcome / Release Status: Adjourned / Bond $300,000 Cash $75,000 (Not Posted) — Marc and Jim will update.
8:00 pm NEW Business and Officer Reports – Motorcycle Parking at all Suffolk County Public Properties – Officer Report from Debbie – Legislative Liaison – Leg. Kennedy asked that we all attend the Public Works meeting on August 29, 2022 Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Location: View Facility Rose Caracappa Auditorium –William H Rogers Building #20 – 725 Veterans Memorial Highway Smithtown, NY 11787 Please ride in on a motorcycle if possible, and each motorcycle should park in only 1 spot. Do not bring inside anything that will be picked up by the metal detectors please. You will be able to give a 2–3-minute statement as well.
Question from a member in the audience: “There is motorcycle parking at the VA Hospital in Northport, and there are always cars parked in them” I have spoken to various people at the VA, and have gotten no where. “Answered” Please contact the Suffolk county department of Veterans affairs and they should be able to assist you with this. We have no jurisdiction since it is Federal.
8:15pm Officer Reports
Chris – President – Reminded everyone WE NEED VOLUNTEERS AT CAMPOUT AND ALL OUR EVENTS – Please let us know if you can help and contact Gary or myself if you can assist. Updated on the storage unit for ABATE Supplies – We’re getting organized – THERE ARE STILL TOO MANY ACCIDENTS- We post these accidents to let everyone know the dangers and to please be careful.
Upcoming events reminder – 8/20 ride to Nordic Lodge see Jim or Chris, 8/27/2022 Our Campout is on, 9/4 ABATE will have a booth at Ronkonkoma Street Fair, 9/7 Our Blood drive with LI Hog and and the Elks lodge in Centereach. See the flyer on our website – please register in advance, it starts at 2pm. 9/17 & 18 New York ABATE meeting with Bruce Laporte, members needed to signup to be trained to give a class in schools in Suffolk County (Driver education) Our Insurance policy renewed MET with Kathy PAPAS you all have a $4,000 accident death and dismemberment policy by being a paid member of LIABATE. September 10th 9-11 never forget concert benefits Tunnel to Towers sponsored by American Legion Post 1146 and Amvets Post 1174 – doors open 4pm – locat4ed at 826 Hubal St. Bohemia. Contact Veronica 631-766-1303
Josephine/2nd Vice President: New members signed up – Events are in full swing – busy with all the campout planning – Get your tickets soon. Event includes camping spot overnight – 1 full meal, (hot dogs throughout the day) Enter the Chili Contest – bring a half tray FULLY Cooked to enter the day of the campout – see the flyer on our website and facebook for updates please. In honor of our Rosie – GIFT basket donations for our Chinese auction are needed also.
Chris – Membership: asked members when renewing to email her directly at joinliabate@gmail.com with their mailing address. The new membership is up and working on the website now.
DEBBIE: Reminds members about the Repair ACT and to follow it HR6570 – Allows owners to fix and repair their motorcycles without violating their warranties. Please remember to Join the MRF – See me for membership signup. Debbie presented her check to ABATE from the Lottery – with a positive profit to our organization.
Veterans Fund Jug funds collected – unknown
8:28 pm – 50 / 50 – $72 to the winner – donated back to ABATE
8:30 pm Motion 3-2022: Motion to adjourn. (Seconded) All in favor.